Open integrated business decision framework
The project objective is to develop an open integrated framework that connects materials models at various levels of complexity, experimental data sets and commercial information (e.g. ingredients and processing costs), so that decision makers can rely on a wider variety of key performance indicators. These are combined with multi-criteria optimisation algorithms to identify the optimal trade off when making a business decision, considering appropriate formulation and business constraints.
Transform the existing BDSS
Bring Modelling into the heart of business
Build a coherent BDSS open integrated platform based on an OSP
Adapt and integrate: dataspaces of structured and unstructured data cognetive computing, machine learnning
Efficient Human User Interfaces with cognetive technologies and GUI
Materials modelling and BDSS Workflows
Standarised Pre and Post-procesing tools for KPIs and MCO toolboxes
Validate the BDSS and demonstrate the efficiency on 3 specific applications
Develop tailored Apps for three specific cases of high impact to EU industry